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Annual award Force for GOOD

for contribution and promotion of social entrepreneurship in Russia

Laureats 2014 год

Maxim Popov

Maxim Popov

Region:Moscow, Russia

He is the 2014 Laureate and the President of the non-governmental Federation for Workout Of Moscow Oblast and the CEO of KENGURU.PRO Co. KENGURU.PRO makes and installs modern workouts of own patented designes stands for the healthy way of life and attracts the youth to the sports outside. KENGURU.PRO has installed more than 200 sports grounds all over Russia from the Far East to the West, from the Caucauses to the Far North.
More than 6000 Moscovites have got the opportunity to exercise on a daily plan as they got more than 100 grounds both in the urban area itself and all the large urban forests as well.
Russian Workouts saw more than 30 great battles in the 2013.